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Welcome to the Covid19-Assignment


All graphs will contain the value of the final data point in order to make them more understandable. The currently more important regions will be previewed here.

There will be both linear and logarithmic graphs show for each data set. The logarithmic graphs remove the inherent bias of the linear graph to large values. e.g losing the detail found in smaller values. The graphs for Africa Confirmed Cases are the perfect example.

Interactive Graphs

Selecting the countries in the legend will show/hide their data.

Global - Confirmed Cases

Global - Recovered Cases

Global - Deaths

The UK

Confirmed Cases

Cases in which patients have recovered

Cases which have led to death


Confirmed Cases

Cases in which patients have recovered

Cases which have led to death

Mainland China

Confirmed Cases

Cases in which patients have recovered

Cases which have led to death

Covid-19 is a coronavirus that has recently made the news due to its sudden spread across the world. Mainly causing flu-like symptoms there is the possibility of pneumonia in rare circumstances.

One study, considered the largest of its kind on Covid-19, from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Protection analysed over 44,000 confirmed cases in China. Of those cases, 80.9% (or 36,160 cases) were considered mild, 13.8% (6,168 cases) severe and 4.7% (2,087) critical.

Critical cases being those that resulted in respiratory failure, septic shock and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure. To read more the paper is found here.

So far there have been very few cases of death in those below 40 with death rates below 0.2 and no fatalities od those under 10. It is thought that those under 10 are experiencing a milder version of the disease for an unknown reason. Yale School of Medicine have released this blog article on helping stop the spread to and between children. The CDC have also released Q&A’s covering Covid-19 and various populations at risk.

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This page is being supported A STUDENT and being used as evidence for the Anglia Ruskin University Apprenticeship programme - BSc Bioinformatics (Data Science) in association with The Sanger Institute.

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